Making learning an enriching experience

With the objective of inculcating self-study skills in students, the curriculum is structured to empower them to share thoughts and ideas and encourages team work. With stress laid more on ‘learning by doing’ rather than rote-learning; group discussions, projects as well as hands-on activities and experimentation, are given due importance.

We impart education by integrating proven, world class teaching methods with modern infrastructure and technology. Our curriculum emphasizes on activity-based learning for which we create a suitable environment and focus on learning needs of each child.

We add further value by inculcating a strong sense of discipline and hard work in our kids; thus nurturing them to be future ready to face global challenges.

The school lays strong emphasis on constructive approach where the child is encouraged to be the architect of his/her own knowledge and teachers act as mentors rather than instructors.

Interdisciplinary Learning

We provide students ample opportunities to explore their interests and cultivate their own unique strengths. We believe all children should have access to an exceptional, personalized education that enables them to live a happy and successful life.

We encourage interdisciplinary learning and avoid artificial separation between subjects. By encouraging students to learn by doing, we promote a deeper level of understanding of the concepts and subjects.

We believe that learning is a continuous, lifelong process. It may originate in the classroom, but will continue at home, at play and even on family vacations.

Practical Application of Knowledge

At Little Brains, to make learning fun, exciting and interesting for the children – we offer a blend of projects, real life exposure, audio-visual presentations, classroom teaching, experiential learning, practice worksheets and brainstorming activities.

We believe students learn most effectively when they can understand the concepts and more importantly their application in the real world. Our goal is to enable students to make meaningful connections and kindle their curiosity about the world we live in.